Incremental Energy Solutions Ltd
IES is a professional energy services and projects consulting firm tailored to help Africa discover the right position for her energy sector and occupy their space in global renewable energy investment.
IES’ solutions focused mainly on administration of technologies, innovative business and financing model, and modern risk management mechanisms towards improved energy access via successful deployment of renewable energy & clean technologies, storage, energy efficiency, electric mobility, biomass/biofuel products, demand side management, waste management, and data management.
Why Doing Business With IES?
IES’ offering contain features positioned to help African based renewable
energy projects gain comparative advantages by enabling her clients to:
- Achieve adequate project’s costs identification and classification.
- Efficiently eliminate problems of choice of technology by all category of consumer.
- Achieve security of supply by optimizing renewable energy resources in different locations within Africa at lowest costs.
- Reduce lack of costs reflective and high prices.
- Eradicate wastage of resources on development of non-credit worth projects.
- Match project sponsor and promoter with relevant financier.
- Remove policy design risk and create flexible and competitive local and regional market.
- Get rid of key constraints to private investment in renewable projects in Africa markets
- Creates green economy for final consumers and reinforces NGOs and other groups’ advocacy and campaign for greener environment
- Limit the increasing need and negative effects of poor transmission networks
Our Services
IES is a medium size start-up professional energy company that offers innovative services for renewable energy projects actualization by his clients. To proactively benefit from the windows of opportunity created by Renewable Energy, Storage, and Energy Efficiency for customers, energy businesses, policy makers, and investors, IES provides broad range of services that hold the key to accelerated RE investments and technology deployment in Africa.
Start a Project With Us!
Passionate people and with the best tools and approaches.